*For the most accurate results, please answer all questions.

Number of employees

Number of IT managed devices

Number of FTEs that support security

Annual revenue (Millions USD)


What are your current detection and response capabilities?

What is your current proactive capability?

How effective are you at keeping up with your vulnerability management?

Minimally effectiveModerately effectiveGenerally effectiveHighly effective

How proficient are you at identifying unknown/unmanaged assets?

Minimally effectiveModerately effectiveGenerally effectiveHighly effective

Do you have visibility into the completeness of your security configurations?

Minimally effectiveModerately effectiveGenerally effectiveHighly effective

Have you implemented centralized and prioritized risk management practices?

Minimally effectiveModerately effectiveGenerally effectiveHighly effective

How comprehensive is your visibility of threats across your entire attack surface?


How well can you manage an entire attack, from initial access through lateral movement to data exfiltration or system encryption?

Not at allWith difficultySomewhat wellVery well

Can your current tools discover and monitor your entire attack surface?


Do your current tools assess and prioritize your attack surface and provide accurate risk scores?


To what extent can you compare your organization's security posture to:

Industry peers

Unable to compareCan compare with difficultyCan compare moderately wellCan compare thoroughly and confidently

Organization size

Unable to compareCan compare with difficultyCan compare moderately wellCan compare thoroughly and confidently

Geographic location

Unable to compareCan compare with difficultyCan compare moderately wellCan compare thoroughly and confidently

How well can you assess your organization's average mean time to detect (MTTD) security incidents?

Not at allWith difficultySomewhat wellVery well

How many security breaches have you experienced in the last 12 months?


How many different security products are currently deployed in your organization's environment?


View / Modify Assumptions

Average annual burdened salary for security FTEs


Risk of ransomware attack over next 12 months

Cost per ransomware instance

Data Breaches

Average cost of each data breach

Annual Security Savings

Expected 3-Year Operational Savings of

Additional Savings and Benefits

- Ability to Mine Data Silos

Your new risk level

HighMedium HighMediumMedium LowLow
Your current risk level
HighMedium HighMediumMedium LowLow
Your risk level with Trend Vision One